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Architecture awards winners announced

Innovative use of materials and the preservation and adaptive re-use of existing heritage were common themes among the winning entries in this year’s National Architecture Awards.

Jury chair and immediate past national president of the Australian Institute of Architects Stuart Tanner said the award-winning projects championed a strong sense of social and economic responsibility.

Experimentation of form and materials underpinned the overall winning home in Burnt Earth Beach House in Anglesea, Victoria and received high praise for architect Wardle from the jury, which noted that ‘testing the skills of familiar crafters and makers, the timber and terracotta materiality is consistently applied for a seamless interior and exterior expression’.

The jury citation went on to say that ‘spaces are layered within the compact footprint to bring a richness of spatial experiences. The angular plan carves out spaces to inhabit while strategically turning to capture isolated views’.

The home’s siting within its environment did not go unnoticed, with the jury citation noting that ‘the presence of neighbours is shielded and forgotten’, and adding that ‘the rawness of the exterior, consisting of a custom-developed torn brick with integrated oxide glazing, blends seamlessly with the rugged beachside landscape. The siting of the house gives back generously to the street: the public corner of the block presents a native garden, celebrating a beachside easiness in a bushland clearing.’

Apart from being named winner of the National Award for Residential Architecture, the house also took out the Emil Sodersten Award for Interior Architecture.

Materials used in innovative or atypical ways were also key features of the house that took out the Robin Boyd Award for Residential Architecture.

Designed by Edition Office, the Melbourne home, ‘Naples Street House’, was commended by the jury for its attention to detail.

The jury in particular noted the use of materials throughout the home.

“The material palette — spotted gum plywood, grey brick, aluminium and concrete — provides a durable and honest aesthetic responding to the practicalities of family life while maintaining a simplicity of detailing,” they said.

The brief to create a ‘thermally efficient, light filled dwelling with an emphasis on connection to landscape’ on a busy corner in Melbourne’s North Fitzroy was no problem for architects Kennedy Nolan, whose project ‘Six Ways House’ was also named for National Award for Residential Architecture – Houses (New).

The jury citation noted that ‘the house cleverly reveals and shields its internal programs: the placement of living areas to the first floor creates a direct dialogue with the outside while providing sanctuary and places to withdraw… internally, a kaleidoscopic use of mirrors refracts the outlook, buffering the sense of exposure.’

The Milton, Queensland house ‘High Street’ was named Winner of the 2024 Eleanor Cullis-Hill Award for Residential Architecture – Houses (Alterations and Additions), with architect Lineburg Wang’s alteration and addition to the pre-1911 timber cottage commended for being ‘bold, innovative and exquisite’.

In its citation, the jury noted that the architects’ design approach was ‘to build less in order to provide generosity on a constrained site. With a series of simple but radical strategic moves, Lineburg Wang has created spatial diversity and flexibility while maximising space’.

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About Adam Nobel

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M. Bus, Grad Dip Adv, B.Int Bus, LREA


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Adam is the founder and Principal of Hugo Alexander Property Group. With a previous career in advertising, 22 years experience in property investment, and 16 years in Brisbane real estate, he knows the market inside out to ensure his clients grow their wealth faster.

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