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Taste it, feel it, live it

Next week (Monday 16 to Sunday 22 September 2024) is National Organic Week (NOW), time dedicated to boosting awareness of the benefits of organic products and food growing.

NOW Ambassador Costa Georgiadis says that as consumers, we all want food we can recognise and trust.

“Buying organic products supports food safety, health, good nutrition and the environment”, he says.

“Products that carry the logo of an accredited organic certification body are guaranteed to be genuine organic.”

Awareness is growing of the importance of the quality of food we eat and products we use in our homes, and Australians are increasingly adopting organic practices and materials.

Not only are there large sections now in supermarkets and fresh food stores promoting organic produce, but information abounds on how to avoid chemicals in the home, grow our own food and even source healthy building and furnishing materials for our homes.

If you are finding organic produce in supermarkets is expensive, consider visiting local farmer’s markets – they might not all be certified organic, but most will likely have produce that is grown without chemicals and using sustainable, organic methods supporting natural systems of regeneration where waste does not exist but instead revolves through the system to complete the Circular Economy cycle.

Some of the varied methods of regenerative, chemical-free systems include:

1. Organic & Biodynamic Farming
A certified farming system that cycles carbon and nutrients, optimises productivity and at the same time protects the environment, minimises soil degradation and erosion which will promote a sound state of health for the land by preventing the use of pesticides and chemical fertilisers.

2. Regenerative and Sustainable Farming
These systems look to find a beneficial balance between the need for food production and the preservation of the ecological systems within the environment. There is a predominant use of sustainable recycled organic inputs in production.

3. Organic carbon and fertilisers
Compost as nature’s fertiliser diverts food waste from going to landfill with its nutrients reused as fertiliser and recycled back into the circular economy, offsetting greenhouse gas emissions in the environment through carbon sequestration and amelioration.

4. Organics promote biodiversity
Organic farming systems that use compost as organic fertiliser promote soil organic matter and fertility, which in turn boost biological activity within the soil and farm land.

5. Organic Bio-filtration
In lesser-known applications, recycled organic materials are used in bio-filters to treat run-off in urban locations and at farms, removing pollutants in storm water before it travels into our waterways.

Apart from growing your own food with minimum chemicals, you can support Australia’s growing band of organic producers and manufacturers by voting for your favourites on the NOW website, organicweek.net.au.

We hope you have enjoyed this article. It is our pleasure being your real estate agents in Brisbane.

If you would like any assistance or advice, please feel very welcome to get in touch with our Brisbane real estate agents, Brisbane property management team, or Brisbane buyers agents.

About Adam Nobel

CEO | Principal
M. Bus, Grad Dip Adv, B.Int Bus, LREA


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Adam is the founder and Principal of Hugo Alexander Property Group. With a previous career in advertising, 22 years experience in property investment, and 16 years in Brisbane real estate, he knows the market inside out to ensure his clients grow their wealth faster.

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