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Birth rate on the rise

International border closures have had an impact on Australia’s population growth, but babies are booming, new research shows.

Restrictions in overseas migration resulted in Australia’s population growth slowing to a near stand-still in the year to March 2021, according to official data released this week by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

The figures show that Australia’s population grew by just over 0.1% (35,700 people) to 25.7 million, in contrast to a growth of 1.5% in the 2019 calendar year.

Population growth has fallen significantly, but remained positive in Queensland (up 0.85%), WA (0.57%), Northern Territory (0.48%), ACT (0.39%), Tasmania (0.39%), South Australia (15%), NSW (0.14%). Growth in Victoria declined by 0.64%.

Growth over the past 12 months was entirely due to natural increase (adding 131,000 people), while net overseas migration was negative (-95,300) over the period, the first time since 1946. This continues the recent shift from the long run trend of net overseas migration driving the majority of Australia’s population growth. There were 293,500 births and 162,500 deaths during this period.

Research released this week by IBISWorld also shows that hospitals across the country have encountered a significant increase in the number of births in 2021, the likes of which has not been seen for over 10 years. Births in Australia grew by 8.8% in the March quarter of 2021, the largest quarter increase since 1985, defying a long-term decline in the fertility rate.

About Adam Nobel

CEO | Principal
M. Bus, Grad Dip Adv, B.Int Bus, LREA


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Adam is the founder and Principal of Hugo Alexander Property Group. With a previous career in advertising, 22 years experience in property investment, and 16 years in Brisbane real estate, he knows the market inside out to ensure his clients grow their wealth faster.

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