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Solar benefits for more

If you rent, live in an apartment or have a roof that is unsuitable for solar panels, you might be wondering how you can take advantage of the benefits of solar power.

After five years in the pipeline, Australia’s first large-scale solar garden project has this month launched its offer, meaning that renters and apartment dwellers will be able to buy a ‘garden plot’ to secure an estimated $505 credit on their annual power bills.

The 1.5 megawatt Haystacks Solar Garden at Grong Grong in the Riverina is a community-owned solar co-operative which facilitates credits to member’s electricity bills. The model is common in Europe.

The objective is to secure 333 solar ‘gardeners’ for each of the project’s plots, to be members of the Haystacks co-op. Once their one-off payments have been collected, the construction of the solar farm will begin.

Funded by the NSW Government in association with organisations such as Pingala, Community Power Agency and Komo Energy, the co-op will build and own the solar project. Each member will then get the same return, in the form of a dollar amount off their electricity bill, from the sale of the energy generated on their plot.

Members do not pay for maintenance of the array. Instead, a small portion of the money generated from the sale of solar energy goes toward the upkeep of the solar garden.

The Haystack’s solar garden plots will be on sale until Sept. 30, with the team behind the project holding information sessions throughout September.

Haystacks Solar Garden project manager Kim Mallee said it’s an ‘exciting model to be pioneering for Australia that other countries have been enjoying for years’.

“With the Albanese Government committing to fund 85 solar gardens around the country we’ll see many more households given the chance to access solar”, she added.

Disclaimer: While this initiative appears a great idea, it nevertheless requires a (small) initial investment, so anyone considering it should do their own research, and maybe consult with their financial advisor to ensure it sits within their financial plans.

About Adam Nobel

CEO | Principal
M. Bus, Grad Dip Adv, B.Int Bus, LREA


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Adam is the founder and Principal of Hugo Alexander Property Group. With a previous career in advertising, 22 years experience in property investment, and 16 years in Brisbane real estate, he knows the market inside out to ensure his clients grow their wealth faster.

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