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Island home gone to the birds

If a home is left vacant long enough, chances are squatters will move in. And that’s exactly what happened to a two-storey home on California’s Año Nuevo Island, except that the new tenants are birds and sea lions.

Built originally as a home for lighthouse keepers, the house was abandoned 50 years ago – much to the delight of hundreds of sea lions, seagulls and cormorants, among other creatures. The animals officially took over sometime in the late 1950s but had been gunning for the house for decades, according to keepers’ records that date back to the early 1900s.

About Adam Nobel

CEO | Principal
M. Bus, Grad Dip Adv, B.Int Bus, LREA


0417 007 001

Adam is the founder and Principal of Hugo Alexander Property Group. With a previous career in advertising, 22 years experience in property investment, and 16 years in Brisbane real estate, he knows the market inside out to ensure his clients grow their wealth faster.

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