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Keep warm outdoors this winter

Winter officially arrived this week, so we can expect more of the chilly weather most have been experiencing around the country over the past few weeks. But what if we don’t want to stay indoors huddling over heaters for the next three months?

Many Australian homes are designed to encourage time outdoors and with the range of heating options available this can continue even through the winter months.

The outdoor barbecue

A barbeque with an open fire is the perfect place to sit on a cold winter’s afternoon. Place a few comfortable chairs in front of the fireplace and settle in. Make sure the chairs have high covered backs to protect from cold breezes and add a selection of brightly coloured cushions and a throw rug for additional warmth.

Gas heaters

These days there is a wide range of outdoor gas heating options. For the best results try those tall gas heaters with umbrella style tops which radiate heat out to an area of around 16 square metres. This style of heater is often used by cafes and restaurants with outdoor seating and is surprisingly efficient.

The Chiminea

For style, comfort and rustic good looks it’s hard to beat a chiminea. Originally from Mexico, the chiminea is a large clay pot with an open side and small chimney-like funnel. Chimineas can be bought from home decorator stores, BBQ stores and even some larger home hardware stores. Before use, make sure you cure your chiminea to prevent cracking as the clay heats up and expands. It’s best stored inside when not in use, as exposure to cold weather or rain can lead to cracking.

If using a chiminea on a patio or covered verandah, ensure there is adequate overhead clearance for the funnel. When lighting your chiminea do not use kerosene or any other combustion agent as this can increase heat too rapidly.

Fire pits and braziers

Another popular outdoor heating option is the fire pit or brazier. A brazier is a metal bowl-like structure with holes or open slatted slides, an open top and a tray for catching ash. Braziers are excellent winter warmers and because of their open top, can also form the base of an outdoor BBQ so you can cook and be warm at the same time!

Braziers work best with heat beads, which will take about 30 minutes to heat up enough for cooking. A fire pit, on the other hand, can be used for burning wood, charcoal or beads, as it is usually open.

Remember to keep safe when using outdoor heating. All sides of both chimineas and braziers heat up, so keep them away from children, low hanging branches, low roofs and any flammable items., do not try to move your outdoor heater while it is alight and always wait until the heater is completely cool before moving.

Most importantly, never use any form of outdoor heating indoors, or in poorly-ventilated areas, as they may emit potentially deadly carbon monoxide fumes.

About Adam Nobel

CEO | Principal
M. Bus, Grad Dip Adv, B.Int Bus, LREA


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Adam is the founder and Principal of Hugo Alexander Property Group. With a previous career in advertising, 22 years experience in property investment, and 16 years in Brisbane real estate, he knows the market inside out to ensure his clients grow their wealth faster.

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