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The cost of sleep

Two in three Australian adults have recently made a purchase to get a better night’s rest, consumer group Choice has found.

New nationally representative research conducted by Choice revealed that 91% of Australians had trouble sleeping at least once in the past year, along with the products they purchased to help them rest easier.

Spokesperson Chris Barnes said the survey found that two in three respondents had recently bought a product they hoped would improve their sleep, the most popular being pillows and mattresses.

Pillows topped the list of sleep purchases, with 28% of people saying they’d purchased a new pillow in the past year.

“If you’re not sure whether you need a new pillow, there’s a simple test you can do at home”, Barnes suggested.

“Simply put your pillow on a flat surface, fold it in half, then hold it down for 30 seconds, then let go. If the pillow doesn’t spring back to its original shape, then it’s probably time to buy a new one.”

Mattresses were also a popular purchase, with 14% of survey respondents saying they had bought one in the past 12 months.

“Finding a mattress that’s comfortable and suits your needs can be tricky”, Barnes said.

“If you’re buying a mattress in-store, take your time testing it out, and if you sleep with a partner, make sure you bring them along with you.”

Mattresses in a box are becoming a popular option, and they’re generally cheaper and more convenient. Most come with a trial period, so if you don’t like them you can send them back.

Over a third (38%) of survey respondents had made purchases to control air temperature and humidity in their bedroom in the past year.

“If you find your room too hot or too cold to sleep, an air conditioning unit may be your best option”, Barnes suggested, adding that a reverse-cycle air conditioner can not only cool the room down, but can warm it up on a cold night.

“When shopping make sure the heating or cooling appliance has adjustable airflow settings, such as fan speeds, as you’ll want it on a quiet, low speed setting at night.”

Whatever you think might help you get a better night’s sleep, Choice suggests you do plenty of research, read reviews and test out products before making purchases.

About Adam Nobel

CEO | Principal
M. Bus, Grad Dip Adv, B.Int Bus, LREA


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Adam is the founder and Principal of Hugo Alexander Property Group. With a previous career in advertising, 22 years experience in property investment, and 16 years in Brisbane real estate, he knows the market inside out to ensure his clients grow their wealth faster.

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