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Are you ready for ‘alfresco living’?

With most states switching to daylight saving this weekend, Australians will find more time to take advantage of the longer days and balmy nights outside.

‘Alfresco’, from the Italian ‘in the fresh air’, is ideally suited to our climate. At some time in the 1990s, the alfresco entertainment area became a standard feature in many new homes and renovations, and its appeal has since become widespread.

It is also an important feature for people who want to maximize the resale potential of a new or renovated home.

Ideally, an alfresco ‘room’ combines the outdoor and indoor areas of a home in a seamless fashion. Real estate agents report that an appealing outdoor area has become a strong selling feature which for some buyers is equally important to them as the indoors.

The irony to this trend is that the land area in modern homes is shrinking and the big backyard has given way to bigger homes. However, smaller outdoor areas are getting more use now that busy homeowners don’t have the time to tend to large yards. In other words, size has given way to quality.

The message in this for people who are building or renovating, is that what you do with your outdoor area is potentially more important than how much land you have.

The contemporary alfresco design can range from a simple all-weather patio leading directly from the living area, to an elaborate structure that might incorporate standard indoor features such as a BBQ cooktop, sink and refrigerator. A typical alfresco structure is generally a continuation of the main roofline.

The ideal is to create a liveable and comfortable outdoor space. Important factors to keep in mind include protection from glare and direct sun, shelter from the wind, adequate space for chairs and a table and a preparation and serving area for food and drink. If space and funds permit, you might also include large pot plants, a television area or maybe a spa.

Having gone to all this trouble, it helps to screen your alfresco living space from the garden shed, garage and clothesline for an aesthetic finish.

The impact of a quality alfresco area in a home should not be underestimated. This is evidenced by the number of homes for sale which are promoted almost solely on this basis and often the photo which catches the eye of the buyer will be the smart presentation of a home’s outdoor living area.

About Adam Nobel

CEO | Principal
M. Bus, Grad Dip Adv, B.Int Bus, LREA


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Adam is the founder and Principal of Hugo Alexander Property Group. With a previous career in advertising, 22 years experience in property investment, and 16 years in Brisbane real estate, he knows the market inside out to ensure his clients grow their wealth faster.

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