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Build the dream

A treehouse is every kid’s dream, a place where they can hang out away from everything. You could be the hero who brings that dream into reality with our handy guide.

First, find a tree that is healthy, with well-shaped branches that are strong enough to hold the construction without damage. If it’s deciduous, the treehouse will be shaded in summer and sunny through winter.

Once you’ve selected the tree, go sit under it and make your plans. Ask the kids what they’d like and involve them in all aspects – the size, materials and design, including cost-related decisions.

How big will it be? Will it be attached to the branches or supported by poles from the ground? Does it need walls and a roof? If the tree has a thick canopy, perhaps a few strategically placed boards will do.

Remember that the host tree is fundamental to your treehouse: allow it to grow without constriction and make sure the house isn’t too heavy.

Before starting, however, it is important to have permission. Building a treehouse might seem like kids’ play, but there have been incidents where neighbours complained and the owners were required to remove the ‘offending’ construction. Avoid any disappointments by checking with council for regulations and discuss your plans with neighbours.

Now you’ve done the prep work, it’s time to get building.

1. Framework. Start by building a frame of 3-4 wooden planks bolted or lashed together, taking care not to harm the tree. Secure support beams in the ground below and bolt them to the frame.

2. Flooring. Timber floorboards are best, or plyboard, so long as it’s weatherproof. Remember, it doesn’t need to fit together perfectly, as the tree will move anyway.

3. Walls and roof. If you want an enclosed cubby, these can be either built in situ or hauled up ready-constructed into place. ‘In situ’ gives you flexibility to work better within the shape of the branches.

4. Windows. Let your fantasies go wild; make them round, triangular, huge, or lots of tiny ones. For safety, use perspex or leave them open to the elements.

Once the treehouse is in place, go crazy with the extras. Consider a rope ladder, commando net, solar lighting, cushions, crates for storing treasures or a rope for hauling up supplies.

Just remember when building your kids’ treehouse that it’s for fun, and it’s in a tree so enjoy that – don’t shut out the branches, leaves, birds, wind or sunlight.

About Adam Nobel

CEO | Principal
M. Bus, Grad Dip Adv, B.Int Bus, LREA


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Adam is the founder and Principal of Hugo Alexander Property Group. With a previous career in advertising, 22 years experience in property investment, and 16 years in Brisbane real estate, he knows the market inside out to ensure his clients grow their wealth faster.

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