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Clean pool after storms

As the weather warms up, Australians are beginning to look forward to days spent in and around the backyard pool. Yet with an ongoing threat of La Niña weather conditions over the next few months, that pool might need more than the usual amount of work to keep it in sparkling condition.

Rain, wind and even minor flooding can wreak havoc on the chemical balance of the water, while debris will need removal before it impacts the filter, the vacuum and the water quality.

The fact that rain is constantly adding water to the pool means that it will dilute the chemicals that keep it clean and safe for swimming.

Then there are the leaves, branches and other organic matter blown into the pool in high winds. This debris often brings phosphates and nitrogen, which if left unattended will in turn encourage the growth of algae.

Likewise, runoff from the lawn or deck can change the chemical balance of the pool, as it brings dirt, phosphates, biological matter and other contaminants into the pool.

The first step to take is to ensure the fencing is intact, to protect children from accidental drowning. Check also that any electrical components have not been compromised; if they have been inundated by floodwaters, call an electrician.

Next step is to clean the pool. Scoop out any visible debris, empty the skimmer and pump baskets then run the pump to remove smaller particles. Brown pool water usually means an excess of garden runoff, which will be difficult to filter out. In this case, use a ‘floccing’ agent to bind the particles together and let them drop to the bottom of the pool before vacuuming them out.

If the pool is overflowing, take the opportunity to vacuum to waste, so that you get rid of any debris that has settled on the bottom of the pool while removing the excess water.

Once the water level is back to normal, check the pH, alkalinity and chlorine levels and take steps to redress any shortfalls.

Depending on the amount of rainfall, it might be necessary to ‘shock’ the pool if chlorine levels are seriously depleted. Ask your local pool professional for advice.

Usually, however, a topping-up of the water levels in the pool should not be too much of an issue. Debris, on the other hand, can cause problems with algae so should definitely be dealt with as soon as possible.

About Adam Nobel

CEO | Principal
M. Bus, Grad Dip Adv, B.Int Bus, LREA


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Adam is the founder and Principal of Hugo Alexander Property Group. With a previous career in advertising, 22 years experience in property investment, and 16 years in Brisbane real estate, he knows the market inside out to ensure his clients grow their wealth faster.

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