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Could plants help sell your home?

Could the plants in your garden influence the sale of your home? Hydrangeas, lilies and lavender are some of the most desirable garden plants when it comes to attracting house-hunters, research has found.

In a study where people were shown images of similar houses with different front gardens, it was found that two in three (67%) were more inclined to view a house if the garden looks inviting.

What’s more, while exotic plants are visually pleasing, buyers tend to prefer low-maintenance varieties. Which is probably why hydrangeas took out the top spot, with 78% saying they prefer a house with these popular summer blooms outside, as they are easy to grow. Lilies were the second most popular plant, followed by lavender.

Other plants to make the list included pink shrub roses, petunias and rosemary.

If the research* had been done in Australia, the results may well have been similar, though local buyers these days are increasingly keen to see native plants, as they are widely recognised as being easy to grow and require little water once established.

One of the most versatile and popular native plants is the Grevillea. It comes in a variety of sizes, from prostrate through 2m shrubs to 8m high trees, flowers all year round and is a magnet for birds and bees.

For a bed of flowers, try Billy Buttons, Everlasting Daisies, Kangaroo Paws or native orchids. Your local nursery will usually carry a wide range of natives that work best where you live, and should be able to guide your choice for popular or suitable plants.

*In the study conducted by UK online marketplace OnBuys, 3,400 people were shown images of 20 similar-looking houses with various plants in the front garden.

About Adam Nobel

CEO | Principal
M. Bus, Grad Dip Adv, B.Int Bus, LREA


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Adam is the founder and Principal of Hugo Alexander Property Group. With a previous career in advertising, 22 years experience in property investment, and 16 years in Brisbane real estate, he knows the market inside out to ensure his clients grow their wealth faster.

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