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Decorating tips for renters

It can be hard for tenants to watch renovating shows and not be able to achieve such dramatic change in their own living space. Yet it need not be impossible. We take a look at what can be done without knocking down walls or even adding hooks on a wall.

Want more colour? You might not be allowed to paint the walls, but you can certainly add colour through cushions, throws, curtains and floor rugs.

Hate that ’70s lino in the kitchen or bald patches in the carpet? Consider investing in some modular carpet or tiles of your own; so long as no moisture gets under them, you’ll be able to lift them when you go, leaving no trace behind.

Want light and privacy at the same time? Adapt the ‘café curtain’ technique by suspending a curtain rod or length of dowel halfway down the window (held in place by ribbons attached to the main curtain fittings). Then drape fabric over it. If it needs to be higher or lower, simply adjust the ribbons.

Want to have your own artwork on display? Try leaning a large canvas against the wall, or raise it higher by sitting it on a table, old trunk or shelf. Look for an old floor mirror in a second-hand shop and use it to display smaller pieces.

Find an old wooden ladder to use as shelving. The longer the better, as the added height will look good against an otherwise empty wall. If you don’t feel like painting it, just sand it back and call it ‘distressed’.

A dingy room with a single ceiling light fitting can be transformed through adding different light sources. Try a string of lights, some lamps and even a salt lamp, which not only casts a gentle pink glow but will absorb any moisture that’s in the air.

Removable wallpaper is the tenant’s new best friend, as it can be put up and removed without leaving any trace. It’s non-woven, comes in natural or synthetic fibres and the sheets slide onto the wall during mounting, so it’s easy to line up the designs. When you’re ready to move house or want a change, just pull the wallpaper off in sheets, roll it up and take it with you.

If you desperately want to do something about the colour scheme, talk to your landlord or agent about any changes you would like to make. It’s quite possible the property owner will not mind you painting those old mustard yellow kitchen cupboards in a fresh hue, so take a chance and ask! They could end up with a more attractive kitchen, and you will have a space you enjoy living in. Offer a detailed plan together with paint samples or colour chips and make sure any work is approved in writing before getting started.

About Adam Nobel

CEO | Principal
M. Bus, Grad Dip Adv, B.Int Bus, LREA


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Adam is the founder and Principal of Hugo Alexander Property Group. With a previous career in advertising, 22 years experience in property investment, and 16 years in Brisbane real estate, he knows the market inside out to ensure his clients grow their wealth faster.

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