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Heating tricks for wintry weather

With cooler weather sweeping in this week, keeping warm can be tricky, especially if you’re renting or on a tight budget.

Fortunately, the experts at consumer advocacy group Choice have some tips and tricks for keeping your house cosy and saving cash.

“As we head into the cooler months it helps to do everything you can to reduce energy use and avoid the nasty shock of a high heating bill,” says heating expert Chris Barnes.

“Insulating your house well and making use of reverse cycle air conditioning are the most effective ways of heating your home, but there are also a number of much cheaper options that work well”, he adds.

Choice’s top tips to keep your home warm this winter:

1. Track down draughts and seal them

“A great way to seal up draughts is by using weather seal tape or draught strips, which you can buy from your local hardware store. All you have to do is stick the adhesive side to a window frame or door jamb,” says Barnes.

Door snakes are another handy option for sealing draughts. They are available very cheaply in supermarkets, variety or hardware stores, or you can make your own to co-ordinate with the decor.

2. Close curtains or blinds and use rugs

“Up to 40% of heating energy can be lost through windows, so keeping curtains or blinds closed will make a big difference and keep the house warmer”, Barnes says.

“If you have hard floors, cover them up with rugs. The more distance you can put between the floor and your feet, the better.”

3. Switch ceiling fans to reverse

Did you know most modern ceiling fans have a reverse switch that makes the blades turn clockwise? When daylight savings ends, switch the fans to reverse, and they’ll push warm air back towards the floor.

4. A portable electric heater is a good option if you’re renting or low on cash

“For convenience and low upfront costs, portable electric heaters are your best option, especially if you’re renting”, Barnes suggests, adding that, nevertheless, it is wise to be wary of the cost of an electric heater over its lifetime.

“On average, an electric heater will cost you less in the first year, but in the long run, the bills stack up. Be cautious of how long your heater is on and avoid running multiple heaters in different rooms”, he warns.

The full story is available on the Choice website.

About Adam Nobel

CEO | Principal
M. Bus, Grad Dip Adv, B.Int Bus, LREA


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Adam is the founder and Principal of Hugo Alexander Property Group. With a previous career in advertising, 22 years experience in property investment, and 16 years in Brisbane real estate, he knows the market inside out to ensure his clients grow their wealth faster.

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