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Look after the little things…

Last week (11-19 November) was Australian Pollinator Week and this year it’s all about understanding pollinator diversity.

Many people know about the important role honey bees play in pollinating crops, but there are many more unsung heroes of pollination including beetles, flies, butterflies, moths and native bees, creatures whose contribution is often overlooked.

Founded by Australian native bee specialist Dr Megan Halcroft, Australian Pollinator Week is dedicated to raising awareness of the vital role all pollinators play in supporting Australia’s food production systems, biodiversity in our farms, parks and gardens and in the natural environment.

“Bees and other pollinators are a fundamental part of our ecosystems,” Dr Halcroft says.

“If we look after insect pollinators by increasing floral diversity and reducing chemical use, we’re looking after everything else.

“If you look after the little things, the whole web of life is supported.”

If you want to help nature’s pollinators – not just bees, but butterflies, flies, wasps and beetles – it’s easy to plan your garden or balcony to include a range of plants that will offer pollen and nectar throughout the year.

Plant or encourage the growth of plants that are native to your area, as native bees will automatically have a stronger attraction to them. They particularly like eucalypts, grevillea, callistemon and melaleuca, amongst many others, though they also like non-native plants like roses. Where possible, grow a diverse set of natives, which flower at different times of the year.

Some of the best non-native plants to encourage an increase of pollinator activity around your garden are herbs such as borage, basil, lavender, hyssop or rosemary or flowers such as Zinnia, Wallflower, Globe thistle or Cotoneaster.

If you can avoid using pesticides, do, or aim for one with low levels of toxins, and keep pollinators in mind while you’re planting – they will need shelter from strong winds, and have been found to prefer warmer sunlit spots to shaded areas.

About Adam Nobel

CEO | Principal
M. Bus, Grad Dip Adv, B.Int Bus, LREA


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Adam is the founder and Principal of Hugo Alexander Property Group. With a previous career in advertising, 22 years experience in property investment, and 16 years in Brisbane real estate, he knows the market inside out to ensure his clients grow their wealth faster.

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