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Make the reno pay

Owners of older rental properties are being reminded of the significant tax deductions available from renovation work done.

Analysis carried out by tax depreciation specialist BMT Tax Depreciation found that two thirds of second-hand properties have undergone some form of addition or renovation.

BMT’s CEO Bradley Beer said that finding is significant because many property investors are under the misconception that depreciation is not available on older second-hand properties.

“In November 2017, the Government changed the way investors claim depreciation for plant and equipment assets,” Beer said.

“Specifically, depreciation on previously-used plant and equipment assets can no longer be claimed.

“This has resulted in many investors misunderstanding the changes and not claiming depreciation at all – missing out on what could be thousands of dollars back at tax time.”

Beer explained that capital works deductions available on the structure of a residential property built after 1987 remained unaffected by the change in legislation and make up 85-90% of depreciation claims.

He also clarified that owners who renovate older investment properties can claim qualifying capital works deductions and depreciation on newly installed plant and equipment assets.

“Say a property was built in 1980 and the new owner purchased it as an investment in 2021, then neither capital works nor plant and equipment depreciation deductions are available on the original structure,” he said.

“However, if it underwent any form of structural renovation since 1987, even by previous owners, then capital works deductions could be available – on top of any deductions related to newly added plant and equipment.”

Beer explained that there is one important step to finding any type of addition and improvement to an investment property.

“Physical site inspections make up a key part of our process, ensuring that every addition or renovation is identified and valued by a specialist. Including those that were done by a previous owner”, he said.

“Some renovations and additions are difficult to identify and see the extent of the works, so investors of older properties must not rule out depreciation straight away.

“Instead, contact a specialist who will find deductions on any renovations made and which will increase the annual cash return,” Beer concluded.

Analysis conducted by BMT Tax Depreciation examined the records of over one hundred thousand investment properties over three years, for which BMT prepared depreciation schedules.

About Adam Nobel

CEO | Principal
M. Bus, Grad Dip Adv, B.Int Bus, LREA


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Adam is the founder and Principal of Hugo Alexander Property Group. With a previous career in advertising, 22 years experience in property investment, and 16 years in Brisbane real estate, he knows the market inside out to ensure his clients grow their wealth faster.

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