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Renovating with pets

Renovating can be stressful, with timelines, budgets, noise, dust, or even living out of half the house at a time.

If it’s tough on us, imagine the effect it has on our pets, who just don’t understand that knocking down that wall, ripping up the floors and putting new surfaces in the kitchen is going to improve their lives.

In fact, their whole world is likely to be turned upside down and they might react in unexpected ways. Placid dogs could become aggressive in the face of perceived threat, or run away just because the gates are left open. Cats will invariably leave and not be seen again until it’s all over. They might also feel the need to ‘mark their territory’ where you least want it.

Here are some tips for making sure that your furry (feathered, fishy) friends are as comfortable with the chaos and change as possible:

– Prepare your pet beforehand by changing some of its patterns – such as where it sleeps and eats.

– Make sure your pet is micro chipped or wearing a collar with identity tags in case it leaves home.

– Introduce pets to any contractors who will be moving around in their space, so they can become familiar with new sounds and smells as well as recognising the new people.

– Try to always have an area of the house where pets can stay out of the way of the tradesmen, noise, etc. If possible, keep that space familiar to the animal so that it knows where it is and can still feel like it is part of the family.

– Whenever possible, keep to regular family-pet routines, such as mealtimes and exercise routines; a vigorous early morning walk can help to take the edge off anxious moments.

If all else fails, have a foster family or boarding kennel lined up. Remember that if you do this, the animal may be confused when it comes home and will need to be reassured with familiar items such as furniture, eating bowls or bedding.

We hope you have enjoyed this article. It is our pleasure being your real estate agents in Brisbane.

If you would like any assistance or advice, please feel very welcome to get in touch with our Brisbane real estate agents, Brisbane property management team, or Brisbane buyers agents.

About Adam Nobel

CEO | Principal
M. Bus, Grad Dip Adv, B.Int Bus, LREA


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Adam is the founder and Principal of Hugo Alexander Property Group. With a previous career in advertising, 22 years experience in property investment, and 16 years in Brisbane real estate, he knows the market inside out to ensure his clients grow their wealth faster.

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