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Secure your home for Easter

The Easter break is here, and if that means you’re heading off for a few days, it can be handy to know your home will be safe and secure while you’re away.

School holidays, particularly around Christmas and Easter, are often the busiest time for home burglars. While contents insurance can cover the cost of stolen belongings, it can’t replace items of sentimental value or take away the emotional trauma of a burglary.

Being proactive is always the best form of defence, so here are some ways to minimise your chances of falling victim to thieves.

1. Invest in a burglar alarm
This may sound obvious, but burglar alarms are effective. If you haven’t already, consider getting one installed. Of course it won’t be much use if you forget to activate it, so be sure you do before going to bed or leaving the house. Alternatively, choose one that works with an app on your smartphone so you can set it and check it anytime, anywhere.

2. Lock windows and doors
Remember to lock every access point into your house, even if you’re only stepping out for a short time.

3. Be careful with your keys
The easiest way for burglars to enter your home is by getting hold of a key. Avoid leaving spares in obvious or easy-to-reach places, like under your doormat. And never label house keys with your name or address.

4. Install motion sensor lighting
Whether solar-powered or connected to the mains, these systems automatically switch on if they sense movement, startling thieves and alerting you, your neighbours and passers-by to a potential crime.

5. Keep valuables out of sight
Jewellery, cash and hi-tech gadgets are a tempting sight for thieves, so try to keep expensive-looking items stashed away from prying eyes. Draw curtains or lower blinds at night and consider investing in a home safe to store your most valuable belongings.

6. Ask neighbours to lend a hand
Mail piling up on the mat, lights always switched off and an empty driveway are all tell-tale signs that you’re away. Enlist the help of your neighbours by asking if they’ll collect the post while you’re gone, use your garbage bins and put them out on the night, or even park their car in your driveway to give the impression that someone is home.

About Adam Nobel

CEO | Principal
M. Bus, Grad Dip Adv, B.Int Bus, LREA


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Adam is the founder and Principal of Hugo Alexander Property Group. With a previous career in advertising, 22 years experience in property investment, and 16 years in Brisbane real estate, he knows the market inside out to ensure his clients grow their wealth faster.

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