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The 6R’s of Waste

Keep Australia Week is coming up next week, from 7-13 August, and this year the focus is on the ‘6R’s of Waste’, with the hashtag #ReduceWhatsInYourBin.

The campaign aims to have households, individuals and businesses alike thinking about all aspects of the considerable problem of waste and pollution, and changing habits from what and how much we buy through to how we use and re-use everything.

In an exercise to re-educate Australia’s consumers, the Keep Australia Beautiful team have taken the traditional 3Rs concept up a notch, from “reading, ‘riting, and ‘rithmetic” to “refuse, rot, reduce, reuse, recycle, renew”.

1. REFUSE single use plastics. There has been progress over the past few years in tackling this problem, but we still need to be vigilant.

By being mindful of choices and opting for sustainable alternatives such as using your own water bottle, coffee mug, smoothie cup, shopping bags, cutlery, food containers and straws etc, you can minimise the amount of plastic in circulation and our reliance on oils.

2. ROT organic waste. Learn how to master FOGO bins or composting and keep organics out of landfill. Get to know what is compostable and research what you can put in your organics bin.

By choosing to compost and divert organic waste (food scraps, plant matter, coffee grounds, pet hair etc) from landfill, we achieve a number of wins for the environment: saving space in landfill, significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions, creating nutrient rich soil and fertiliser and enhancing water retention in the soil to reduce run-off.

3. REDUCE paper usage and waste

Choose to go paperless! Move to electronic statements, say no to printed receipts and use scrap paper to print when you absolutely have to. Be conscious about conserving resources and you can make a significant impact on reducing your waste footprint.

4. REUSE, repurpose or repair fashion items. Choosing to buy second hand clothes or donating unwanted clothes helps sustain a circular economy. Repair old clothes to extend their lifespan, or get creative and repurpose them in some other way.

Before discarding an item, consider if it can serve another purpose or be passed on to someone else who can use it. From clothing and electronics to packaging materials, embracing re-use minimises waste and conserves resources.

5. RECYCLE those tricky items. You can significantly help conserve resources and divert waste from landfill by finding places near you that recycle the tricky stuff, such as e-waste (computers, screens, phones), batteries, X-rays, light bulbs, toiletries, styrofoam.

Recycling is a vital part of a circular economy. By supporting local recycling programs and initiatives, we can help transform waste into valuable resources and minimise our impact on landfills.

6. RENEW the natural environment. Nature is our greatest ally in the fight against climate change, so let’s do whatever we can to protect and restore our ecosystems, by removing litter, planting trees, conserving wildlife habitats, and promoting biodiversity.

If you want to get hands-on with nature this week, organise a litter clean-up with friends or colleagues or arrange a day of planting, to help regenerate your local surrounds.

About Adam Nobel

CEO | Principal
M. Bus, Grad Dip Adv, B.Int Bus, LREA


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Adam is the founder and Principal of Hugo Alexander Property Group. With a previous career in advertising, 22 years experience in property investment, and 16 years in Brisbane real estate, he knows the market inside out to ensure his clients grow their wealth faster.

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