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Wallpaper: not just for the grannies

Wallpaper has long been the bridesmaid of home décor, with a reputation for being floral, ugly, difficult to put up and impossible to remove. That’s no longer the case.

New technologies have resulted in wallpapers that can be easily removed, are eco-friendly and even some that light up a room – literally.

For renters who lament not being able to set the look of their home, there is now peel-and-stick wallpaper; you can put it up and remove it later without leaving any trace behind.

Removable wallpaper is non-woven, comes in natural or synthetic fibres and is a breeze to mount:

– The paste is applied to the wall, not the paper;
– The sheets will slide on the wall, so it’s easier to line up the designs; and
– It’s tear-resistant during installation and removal.

When you’re ready to move house or want a change, just pull the wallpaper off in sheets, roll it up and pack it away.

Wallpaper is trending now, so artists and designers worldwide are constantly applying their creativity to make it interesting. You might try ceiling coverings, or light-emitting wallpaper that looks like regular covering until it’s switched on, when it turns into a work of art providing ambient room lighting.

If you prefer to avoid harsh chemicals and synthetics, consider burlap, hemp or bamboo wallpaper made from environmentally friendly natural products. These fibre wallpapers can be mounted using liquid starch and removed by applying water, so there’s no need for toxic glues.

Don’t feel inspired by any ready-made designs you’ve seen? Look for firms in Australia who will print custom wallpaper using your digital photos or if you prefer, UK designer Jenny Wilkinson outlines designs that you and the kids can fill in using paints, colouring pencils or felt tip pens. Her Wallpaper-By-Numbers range was recently acquired by the V&A for their permanent collection.

Next time you want to change the look of a room in your home, consider using wallpaper; it can be an easy and creative alternative to painting, especially if you’re renting.

About Adam Nobel

CEO | Principal
M. Bus, Grad Dip Adv, B.Int Bus, LREA


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Adam is the founder and Principal of Hugo Alexander Property Group. With a previous career in advertising, 22 years experience in property investment, and 16 years in Brisbane real estate, he knows the market inside out to ensure his clients grow their wealth faster.

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