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Yard, street or storage?

With the kids back at school and the summer holidays behind us, what are the options for storing the caravan, boat or trailer when it is are not in use? Several Sydney councils have had to make rulings this month around on-street parking, with not everyone pleased about the outcomes.

In a perfect world, there would be room in the garage to keep it safe, secure and out of the weather. But many owners don’t have that, so where else could it be parked that won’t inconvenience you or your neighbours?

In the yard?

If you have the space in your driveway or yard, parking your caravan, boat or trailer at home is ideal so long as the neighbours don’t complain. It’s easy to do maintenance work or upgrades and you just have to hitch them up when it’s time to go again.

By virtue of its size, a caravan or motorhome can potentially cause greater visual grievance. The best way to avoid annoying the neighbours is by making it as unobtrusive as possible and positioning it so it doesn’t impede on their view or sunlight.

Be security conscious, even at home. Keep the vehicles locked at all times and use at least a wheel lock to prevent movement.

Out the front?

If you need to park your caravan or boat on the nature strip, make sure you put it in front of your house, not the neighbours’. Avoid parking over the footpath, leave plenty of room for pedestrians to walk around it easily and make sure it’s not obstructing anyone’s access.

On-street parking might be okay as a short-term solution but won’t work for long. You’re likely to soon find yourself with irate neighbours or parking fines from the local council, since an unhitched caravan/boat/trailer will be considered a vehicle if it’s left on a street where parking restrictions apply.

Talk to your neighbours and let them know how long the vehicle is likely to be there; it’s often a lot easier for them to be tolerant if they know it won’t be for ever.

Security becomes more of an issue when you leave your vehicle in the public domain, so it’s advisable to invest in locks for the coupling and wheels and check your insurance policy to see if it’s covered when parked on the street.

In storage?

Self-storage or dry stack storage facilities are an excellent alternative, as they’re generally secure and well maintained. What’s more, they will usually offer a choice of internal or external storage and some have 24-hour access.

Commercial storage facilities usually demand a monthly fee arrangement, but that can often be reduced over a longer term.

Wherever you park your caravan, boat or trailer between trips, always make sure that it’s stable, the gas bottles are isolated or removed and it causes no inconvenience to others.

About Adam Nobel

CEO | Principal
M. Bus, Grad Dip Adv, B.Int Bus, LREA


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Adam is the founder and Principal of Hugo Alexander Property Group. With a previous career in advertising, 22 years experience in property investment, and 16 years in Brisbane real estate, he knows the market inside out to ensure his clients grow their wealth faster.

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