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Approvals down, but high

Approvals to build new homes are slowing yet remain elevated, according to data released this week by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). The latest figures show that the number of dwellings approved fell 6.7% in June (seasonally adjusted). This…

Ban bindii now

Love your summer garden but hate having bindii all through the lawn? August is the best month to remove it for good, before it sets those nasty seeds in spring. The safest, chemical-free way is by hand, with a weed-remover…

Interest rates steady

Australia’s economic recovery might be on shaky ground, but interest rates remain steady, with the Reserve Bank once again leaving the official cash rate unchanged at 0.1% this month. “The economic recovery in Australia has been stronger than was earlier…

Values up, though slowing

Growth might be slower, but housing values continue to rise at a rate well above average across most of the country, new data shows. Values increased a further 1.6% in July, according to CoreLogic’s monthly national home value index. The…

Lending at record high

Lending dipped in June yet remains at record-breaking highs, according to data released this week by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). The latest figures show that the value of new housing loans fell 1.6% in June 2021 (seasonally adjusted)…

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